Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Math Prayer October 22-25 '13 (TOP CLASS)

Czarina Lokin

Heavenly Father,

We come to You in humble gratitude for the numerous blessings that we constantly receive and Your interminable love for us all. No other entity on this earth can ever be parallel to You in greatness and glory, for You alone are the reason behind our every function and breath; You are the single source of our strength. Guide us each day, an grant that our daily actions complement the unique paths You have set for each of us to pursue. Strengthen us that we may endure the slopes, rises and falls of life by allowing us to serve as mortal representations of Your goodwill here on earth. Lead us, as we maintain our faith in you, closer to unlocking the infinite probabilities You have graphed upon our lives so that we may achieve their greater purpose.


Annicka Koteh

Almighty Father,

We praise and thank You for the countless blessings You have constantly bestowed upon us. Your great mercy for our faults knows no boundaries, despite our repeated attempts to rationalize our wrongdoings. Please forgive us for our sins and teach us to minimize the suffering and pain that we inflict on ourselves and our neighbors. With You as the origin of life, may we derive strength and courage from Your everlasting Word. Help us to interpret Your teachings in serving the needy, so that we may transpose Your commandments into concrete actions done for others. Possessing even a fraction of Your divine love can accomplish radical changes in the world; thus, grant that everything we do be coordinated with Your Plan of Salvation. In Jesus' name,


Charmaine Lim

Heavenly Father,

We thank you for the multiple blessings You have showered upon us. Although we may sometimes live our lives unparallel to Your will, guide us so that we may always have You at the center of our lives. As we encounter the rise and falls of life, teach us solve our problems rationally and to trust in You. May You instill in us the values of honesty, diligence and discipline, so that we may live our lives accordingly. Help us add happiness into the world and to subtract our negative behaviors. All this we ask in Your name.


1 comment:

  1. Although all three prayers are very meaningful and are all from the heart, Annicka's prayer seemed to be the best because not only was she able to incorporate math terms, but she was also able to include important things that we as students should do, which is "to transpose God's commandments into concrete actions done for others".
