Friday, September 27, 2013

Math Prayer September 25-27 '13 (PERSEVERANCE)

September 25: Hannah Reyes

Dear Lord, thank you for all of the blessings you have divided among us. Please guide us in all the things that we do and multiply our strength to help us overcome the constraints we encounter. May there be equality and peace everywhere especially in the southern part of the Philippines. Grant the zamboangeƱos courage and hope as they are challenged to conquer the ups and downs or slopes caused by the MNLF

September 26: Nina Rodriguez

Dear Lord,
    Thank You for the infinite blessings you've added to our lives. Please draw the line we have to follow and guide us all throughout because we tend to become irrational sometimes. Please help us formulate our plans for a more positive future so we don't go down the slope. Please aid us and distribute wisdom to us so we may subtract all the inequalities in the world.

September 27: Tammy Shi

Dear God, thank you for the infinite blessings you shower upon us. Thank you for guiding us everyday so that we won't go down the slope. May you help the people in Zamboanga by guiding them with your arrow. We seek justice for the inequalities Janet lim Napoles and other government officials did. I hope that you keep our problems in one bracket and not multiply or add them with a matrix so that our problems won't take over the world.

Math Prayer September 25-27, '13 (TOP CLASS)

Arien Lim (September 25 - Wednesday)
Almighty Father,
                Greatest and without equal, we praise You for adding infinite blessings to our lives. Thank you for providing for us feasible solutions within our constraints, for giving us positive values when life gets irrational. Thank you for always loving us despite us substituting You for something lesser. Please help us eliminate negative and irrelevant factors in life, so we may live the functions you planned, and rise and run parallel to Your will. Amen

Danielle Go (September 26 - Thursday)
Dear Lord,
                Thank you for all the blessings you added to each of our lives. May the sum of these gifts multiply Your goodness and grace as our Lord and savior. May You eliminate my negative traits and help me think in a positive way. Teach me to do my work in equal proportion and help me see the world in different angles. Guide us to the way that is true so there may be no division from your grace. Let us be the multiplier of Your goodness. May our faith in You dear Lord make us true and faithful, as a product of Your love. In Jesus’ name,  Amen

Eudorleen Co (September 27 - Friday)
Dear God,
                We are sorry for the numerous times we have let You down and thought of you less than our earthly desires. Thank You for the multiple blessings You have graciously given each and every one of us to help us fin the solution to our the problems we face daily. Please also set our minds to the right path parallel and according to Your plans. Please also help us multiply and distribute Your blessings especially to those who feel empty or incomplete in life. May You guide us as we extend our hands and contribute to Your mission which is to spread Your word in the areas and points of the world which are in need of your infinite love. In Jesus name we pray, Amen

Wednesday, September 25, 2013

Prayer of the Week Guidelines -- Peace, Perse, Top (Meekness/Optimism/Patience) 2013-2014

1. The assigned prayer leader during Friday shall make sure to collect the prayers (from Monday-Friday) and send a copy to my e-mail ( with the student's name and date she's been assigned to lead the prayer in Math.

2. The submission should be not later than 10:00 in the evening every Friday.

3. EVERYONE is encouraged to check the blog on Saturdays and leave a comment that will serve as their vote. Note: Only appropriate comments will be considered and accepted.

4. How to leave a comment: "I choose _______'s prayer because _______________."

5. Prayer of the Week will be finalized on Sundays. Winners will be announced on Mondays.

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

One of the Quickest Personality Tests

There really are a lot of Personality Tests. Before we start with our discussion of Linear Programming, we did try one of the quickest personality tests which enabled us to know if there are common traits we share with other people.

You may visit this website for further explanations:

Monday, September 2, 2013

Graphing Inequalities in Two Variables - PEACE and PERSEVERANCE

Linear Inequalities: Application (Assignment)

Assignment: ½ crosswise
Answers should be in complete sentences.

(a)  Ruby and Daisy use prepaid cell phone cards to make phone calls. Last year, after several rollovers of their remaining balance, they were able to make a donation to the Red Cross through their cell phone use savings. Their combined donation was not more than Php200. Ruby’s donation was Php20 more than Daisy’s.  What was the maximum amount that Daisy donated?  

(b)  The perimeter of a square is not more than 80 cm. What is the largest possible area of the square?

Linear Inequalities: Application

a.   The weight of a stone is x kg. Half of its weight is greater than or equal to 40 kg. Find the weight of the stone. 

b.   Ms. Garcia’s monthly salary x is less than the sum of half of her salary and Php30 000. Find Ms. Garcia’s monthly salary.

c.   The sum of two consecutive integers is greater than 41. Give the least value of the smaller number. 

d.   Sam and his son joined Autism Society, Philippines’ Walk For A Cause. The Walk requires that the participant’s age is at least 18 years old. Sam is twice as old as his son. If the sum of their ages is greater than 60, what is the least possible age of his son in years? Can they take part in the Walk? 

e.   (Solve in quadrants. For this problem, a table would be a big help.) The length of a wire is at most 62 cm. It is bent to form a rectangle whose length is 7 cm longer than its width. What is the maximum area of the rectangle?