Friday, September 27, 2013

Math Prayer September 25-27 '13 (PERSEVERANCE)

September 25: Hannah Reyes

Dear Lord, thank you for all of the blessings you have divided among us. Please guide us in all the things that we do and multiply our strength to help us overcome the constraints we encounter. May there be equality and peace everywhere especially in the southern part of the Philippines. Grant the zamboangeƱos courage and hope as they are challenged to conquer the ups and downs or slopes caused by the MNLF

September 26: Nina Rodriguez

Dear Lord,
    Thank You for the infinite blessings you've added to our lives. Please draw the line we have to follow and guide us all throughout because we tend to become irrational sometimes. Please help us formulate our plans for a more positive future so we don't go down the slope. Please aid us and distribute wisdom to us so we may subtract all the inequalities in the world.

September 27: Tammy Shi

Dear God, thank you for the infinite blessings you shower upon us. Thank you for guiding us everyday so that we won't go down the slope. May you help the people in Zamboanga by guiding them with your arrow. We seek justice for the inequalities Janet lim Napoles and other government officials did. I hope that you keep our problems in one bracket and not multiply or add them with a matrix so that our problems won't take over the world.

1 comment:

  1. I choose Tammy Shi's prayer because she was able to incorporate appropriate math terms from our current lessons with the situations that our country is facing.
